How to Create a Compass Extension as a RubyGem to Share Sass Mixins

I was searching for how to include sass mixins in Sprockets projects as a gem dependency. There may be some way to do it but I couldn’t figure it out. That’s why I ended up going for a Compass extension, since I use Compass anyway.

Create the compass extension:

compass create pixie_sass --using compass/extension

Remove the templates directory

rm -rf pixie_sass/templates

Create the gem via bundler:

bundle gem pixie_sass

Add compass as a gem dependency:

gem.add_dependency "compass"

Move the stylesheets folder to be within lib.

Register the plugin in lib/pixie_sass.rb

require "compass"

base_directory = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__))
Compass::Frameworks.register('pixie_sass', :path => base_directory)

Add your sass files and mixins.

Push to github.

Require the gem in your other projects:

gem "pixie_sass", :git => "git://"

See the example pixie_sass gem on github.

Author: Daniel X

Heretic priest of the Machine God. I enjoy crawling around in Jeff Bezo's spaceship, bringing technology to the people, and long walks outside of time and space.

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