MIDIChlorian – Accurate Web Based MIDI Payer

Have you ever wanted to play a MIDI file on a computer but then found out that there’s no simple way to do it? I know I have! It’s criminal that we don’t have access to the magic of MIDI out of the box on these supposedly super advanced 2016 computers from the future… well no more! I’m going to let you in on a little secret, dear reader, I’ve been toiling away making the world’s best online MIDI player. You can simply drag MIDIs from your computer and drop them into MIDIChlorian (that’s a Star Wars joke for you) and they will play in a beautiful 4MB SoundFont, each track playing its own beautiful notes, timing to the microsecond. Amazing! Well, what are you waiting for? Go there and remember a simpler time, before mp3s, when anybody could remix music and share among friends. Go enjoy MIDIChlorian.


Author: Daniel X

Heretic priest of the Machine God. I enjoy crawling around in Jeff Bezo's spaceship, bringing technology to the people, and long walks outside of time and space.

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